Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dennis Miller on President's thin skin

Dennis Miller on Bill O'Reilly last night had this great analogy:
Miller: Barack Obama has rabbit ears. It's like in baseball, you know that guy, you can get under his skin from the dugout. You can flip him out a little. He hears too much, he's got rabbit ears.

O'Reilly: So what you're saying is that the pitcher is on the mound and your going "Hey, you're a bum!" And then the pitcher is looking at you and breaks his concentration, and he throws the ball and it gets hit over the fence. That's Barack Obama, any kind of criticism and he reacts to it personally.

Miller: It's more than that. To please him you have to step up to the dugout and scream "each of your pitches is the greatest pitch I've ever seen in my life!"...or he gets rattled.

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