Which of the following two statements comes closer to your point of view?
Statement A: The President and Congress should worry more about boosting the economy even though it may mean larger budget deficits now and in the future.
Statement B: The President and Congress should worry more about keeping the budget deficit down, even though it may mean it will take longer for the economy to recover.
Statement A.....35%
Statement B.....58%
I think the question poses a false choice, but the idea that people are becoming increasingly concerned about the out of control spending from Washington is certainly good news. But now for the bad news.
Which ONE of the following groups do you feel is most responsible for the federal budget deficit?
The Bush Administration...... 46
Democrats in Congress........ 21
Republicans in Congress...... 7
Obama Administration......... 6
On the positive side, maybe this means that there is some upside for the opposition party, assuming they can somehow put together a coherent message. For starters, how about making every voter very familiar with this chart:
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