Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some thoughts from last night

I got two of my four wishes from last night. That's about what I expected, although Tancredo was never really close.

And I’m most happy about Rubio, Toomey and Rand Paul winning their elections. They are principled, smart, articulate, and persuasive. The Democrats would have loved to have Sharron Angle around to beat up on, but they won't get that opportunity. Instead, they will have to deal with these three very formidable Freshman Senators, and that will present a real problem for them.

And on Sharron Angle, she was just a weak candidate, and yes, maybe the tea party movement got carried away with her nomination. But with the tea party wave, yes, you might get some weaker candidates like Angle and O’Donnell, but you also get Paul and Toomey and Rubio and Johnson up in Wisconsin. I don't think in the real world you can get one without the other.

In the real world, the options are more like:

Option 1 (5 Republicans):Arlen Specter (yes, I know he switched parties, but stick with me), Charlie Crist (FL), Mike Castle (DE), Sue Lowden (Nevada), and Trey Greyson (KY), or

Option 2 (3 Conservatives and 2 Democrats):Pat Toomey (R), Marco Rubio (R) , Rand Paul (R), Harry Reid (D), and Chris Coons (D)

To me, option 2 is clearly the superior result, and that's the way it turned out. So overall, it was a great result, even in the Senate.

Oh, and another great result: the hot chick who drives too fast, can handle a weapon, and wants to slash federal spending is now the new Congresswoman from South Dakota.

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