Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Carolan's Law of Liberal Credence

The Sestak episode has forced Washington Post, the New York Times, and other liberal redoubts to begin to admit that President Obama has not made good on his promise to have "the most transparent administration in history." leading Matt Carolan to observethat "Now people other than conservatives can respectably discuss it at their cocktail parties." Not that it will lead Obama's supporters to admit conservatives were to question his grandiose claims. Nor will it give them a moment's pause before attacking any conservative who dares question any claim or promise that issues from the mouth of Saint Barak in the future. The pattern is familiar to anyone who has been paying attention.

Matt sums it up nicely, offering "Carolan's Law of Liberal Credence": "No liberal shall believe anything a conservative says until it is repeated six months later by their favorite liberal pundit or publication." Spot on.

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