Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ed Shultz: Rand Paul hangs out with the birthers

"He's just the kind of guy that would keep the birth certificate conversation alive." -Ed Schultz

That's right, the guy who sincerely believes that we are in the midst of a debt crisis, is going to spend his time talking about birth certificates.

I think what they were really disturbed by was Rand Paul's Goldwater-esque acceptance speech:
America will remain great if and when we understand that government cannot create prosperity. We have to understand that it comes from ourselves. It does not come from government. We are the creators of that prosperity. Until we understand that, we cannot truly defend and protect our liberties.

1 comment:

  1. Shultz was planting a seed for DEms to spin as a meme as they spin 9/11 Truthers on his Dad (who doesn't believe that was a hoax, either). I think they are going to have a harder time painting Rand a loon because there are comparatively few Senators, and they made the mistake of raising his profile so high while trying to destroy him in the election.
