Friday, March 18, 2011

Who are these greedy owners?

I was in an email discussion with a few friends on various labor issues, and one of them wrote this:
If I had a business where I made shoes and could hire 5 American workers to make let's say 50 pairs of shoes per day, why would I send the work to another country where I could hire 10 people to make more shoes for the same price or less? Because I would make more money....mind you what I was making a profit prior to firing the American workers is greed pure and one needs that much money.
My question to him was, who exactly are these greedy people? After all, I am a shareholder in thousands of companies through my ownership of index mutual funds. Through those investments, I am seeking a return on my money - a profit. It's these investments that provide money to companies to buy machinery and equipment and factories and offices, i.e. capital. Capital is what makes workers more and more productive, and ultimately allowing workers to demand higher and higher wages.

And regarding the "no one needs that much money", again, who is he talking about? I know that I am invested in thousands of companies, and that some of these companies that I own will be incredibly profitable while others will quickly go bankrupt. On average, I will make a return that is the "market return" - as will the average investor - pensioners, 401K participants, IRA holders, etc. So when you see one highly profitable company, that doesn't mean that the investors in those companies didn't have 10 other investments that fared poorly. So again, I don't know exactly who he is talking about.

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