Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bill Whittle on hating soccer

I don't hate soccer, but I can't stand the fake injuries. Bill Whittle has this to say on the subject:
So I have a few suggestions on how to improve soccer, to make it more palatable to the American psyche. First of all, the fake injuries. How do these people face themselves? I've heard that these drama queens are actually popular among the women of their countries, and some of these women are actually pretty hot. How can that be? Americans look at this stuff and they want to go grab a rifle. I don't these players are in any danger of achieving the American football ethic of "hey buddy, shake it off and get back out there". So we are going to have to kind of lower ourselves down to their level.

I say if the game is tied after regulation, we have a version of the ice hockey shootout but not against the goal. Rather, we line up each member of each team, and have some randomly selected four year old girl come down from the stands, dribble the ball to each of one these guys, and the one that can best convey a crushed spine, concussion and compound fracture of both legs and arms simultaneously, wins a point. May the best drama queens win.
It helps to watch the accompanying video footage here, about 7 minutes in.

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